Beach: Poris



It is a small beach in the village of Poris de Aboña, which has a small breakwater with several local boats. Surfing and scuba-diving are popular sports practised in these waters. The beach has showers and telephones.

Beach: Poris

構成成分: gravel, sand

砂の種類: dark

海水浴のコンディション: calm waters

長さ: 110 m

幅: 24 m

混雑具合: high

都市化の度合い: urban

ヨットハーバー: puerto deportivo de radazul

アクセス手段: On foot easy,Car

Showers, litter bin, cleaning service, children's play area

最高気温: 22º 体感温度: 穏やか 風: 緩やか うねり: 中程度 水温: 19º