Puras de Villafranca Mining Complex in Burgos

Puras de Villafranca Mining Complex



The Puras de Villafranca Mining Complex offers visitors the unique opportunity to visit the oldest manganese mine in Spain and learn more about the mining processes from the mid-19th century onwards.

This mountain mining site has been open to tourists since 2010, following the refurbishment of its industrial facilities and galleries. It is a journey back in time and a truly unique experience as visitors to the mine discover how the miners used to work, the tools they used, the processes they followed and how the material they extracted was then used.  The Puras de Villafranca mines remained active until 1965 and date back to the first half of the 19th century. Back then, manganese was a highly prized mineral for its ability to harden steel. The visit to the Mining Complex begins at the visitor reception centre in Puras de Villafranca, located seven kilometres from the village of Belorado (Burgos).

Puras de Villafranca Mining Complex

Diseminado Puras, 7

09258  Puras de Villafranca, Belorado, Burgos  (Castilla y Leon)

Email:info@beloaventura.org Tel.:+34 670691173 Website:http://www.minasdepuras.com
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