Castañeda Collegiate Church



A halt on the Pilgrim's Road to Santiago de Compostela

The existing building is from the 12th century, although the church of Santa Cruz, in Romanesque style, and a monastery, previously stood on the site.

Because of its location, the collegiate church came to be part of the Pilgrim's Road to Santiago de Compostela. Initially its plan had one nave and three apses, but it was later altered, adding 2 naves to the structure. One of them is in the Gothic style and the other later (17th century). They transformed the southern apse into a private chapel and sacristy in the Baroque style. On the capitals of the columns, which are preserved in perfect condition, the animal and vegetable iconography is outstanding. The Gothic Way of the Cross (there are no others like it in all Cantabria) the Baroque reredoses and 2 carvings of the Virgin with Child must not be missed.

Castañeda Collegiate Church

Carretera N-634 Vargas-Sarón a 2 km

39660  Pomaluengo, Castañeda, Cantabria  (Cantabria)

Tel.:+34 942592076 Tel.:+34 942840317 Website: