
Church of San Juan de Priorio


Standing on the Northern Route of the Way of Saint James, this church has various peculiarities in its construction which make it unique among the buildings in the region of Asturias.

The numerous later additions to the church's structure include the belfry (18th century), the side chapels (late 19th century), the portico and the baptistery (first half of the 20th century). The remaining part of the original Romanesque structure is of great importance: the west façade is the only one in the whole of the region of Asturias with a sculpted tympanum; it features a Pantocrator or 'Maiestas Domini', accompanied by the Tetramorphs (the symbols of the four gospel writers). The 2006 restoration significantly improved the condition of the church –particularly its chestnut-wood pitched roof– and included the repair of the carvings, which, in addition to the tympanum mentioned above, comprise various modillions and the capitals on the triumphal arch connecting the nave with the apse.

Church of San Juan de Priorio


33174  Las Caldas, Oviedo, Asturias  (Principality of Asturias)

Tel.:+34 985227586
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