View of Pola de Laviana, Asturias

The Nalón boat parade

Festivity of National Tourist Interest



This is one of the greatest summer events in Asturias – a water carnival full of humour and creativity that has been held since 1968. It has been a Festival of National Interest for Tourism since 2021.

The festival centres on the descent of the River Nalón by boat, and is notable for the number of participants. The boats are marvels of originality – they’re like carnival floats in a complex and colourful procession on the stony, white-water river.The celebration takes place the third or fourth weekend in August. Cultural activities, activities for children, and concerts are held in the morning. During this time, the boats arrive at the starting point, ready to set out on the procession in the early afternoon. The descent is the heart of the festival, and there are often more than 4,000 crew members on the boats. After the descent, the boats are put on display and the fun continues at the fairground with music, entertainment and the prize-giving ceremony.

The Nalón boat parade

Pola de Laviana, Laviana, Asturias  (Principality of Asturias)

* To be confirmed