“Martin Heidegger: Die Kunst und der Raum” by Eduardo Chillida. Courtesy of the San Telmo Museum

A conversation. Eduardo Chillida and the arts of his time (1950-1970)

Exhibition - Sculpture,Photography,Painting

The exhibition presents Chillida's creative universe within the framework of the artistic culture of his time, focusing on his first decades (1950 to 1970), when he defined his aesthetic ideals and his plastic imagination.

Curated by María Bolaños, the exhibition delves into the network of visual connections, conceptual ties and parallel explorations that united Chillida with the concerns of the artists of his generation, with the practices of his contemporaries, with the values ​​and trends expressed on an international scene with a wealth of interdisciplinary dialogues.The exhibition features more than a hundred works by great masters from more than 30 museums and collections: sculptures, photographs, paintings, choreography, design, historical documents, scores and films.

A conversation. Eduardo Chillida and the arts of his time (1950-1970)

San Telmo Municipal Museum

Plaza Zuloaga, 1

20003  Donostia-San Sebastián, San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa  (Basque Country)