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Intense tasting course in Bodega Elias Mora

Learn how to identify the aromas in wines. Experience that includes tour through the vineyards, elaboration and barrel cellars with afterwards guided tasting of six wines ( Red wine from Burgundy. Pernard Vergelesses, Viñas Elias Mora DO Toro, White wine from Alsace – As de B , Elias Mora Contracorriente DO Rueda, Champagne M Hostomme Reserve Grand Cru, Dulce Benavides – sweet natural wine made with Tinta de Toro raisins) all those paired with cheese from Zamora. Unique Experience!Min. 10 pax When: Saturdays, Sundays and Bank holidays at 12.00 pm – previous booking required

Price From: 30.0€ per person (taxes included)
Activities available in the following languages Spanish, English, French
Place San Román de Hornija (Valladolid)
Duration  2 hours
Activity category Gastronomy and wine, Visits to wineries and wine tastings
Who is it for? Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
Organising company ELIAS MORA SLU
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